Friday, 7 September 2012

A SECRET: A BABY IS IMMACULATE by Suhaimi Haji Muhammad

See, how HE created Adam
the father of man from a dust
created the children of man
from the essence of his sperm
processed it into a clot of blood,
bones, veins hair and skin
He perfected man's creation
blew the spirit into his body
see, how He created man
how He
sent oxygen into the flesh
sent the perfect melodic voice
to make the silent tongue sing
and how He spread brilliant light
into the heart

A baby is born of a meeting of desires
driven by urges spiritual and physical
outside of himself
he is valid in his being
he is immaculate
free of all sin and merit
he is pure by himself
unentitled to sin or merit
in this world filled with pain and peace
he is pure for he does not yet understand
he is pure for he does not understand

this poem was written by:
Suhaimi Haji Muhammad
from his work "At Tariq" that won the S.E.A Write Award

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